Rachel Maddow took one new job that will make Donald Trump’s life a living hell

The left-wing media is in retreat after the 2024 election. But the Trump haters in the press aren’t ready to wave the white flag of surrender. And Rachel Maddow took one new job that will [...]


      • Never watched her show and never will. Can’t stomach the demoncrat puke they they think we All want to hear. We are a republican family and revel in Donald Trumpa latest election slaughter of the demoncrats.

      • It’s easy to determine that Rachel Maddow lacks class! Just listen to her, and look at the way she dresses!!! I don’t watch her show because the lies she and the Democrat Party spew are not worth wasting the time of day! All I needed to know I discovered listening to her just once!

  1. This bit– took a 5 million drop in pay oh poor poor idiot. Can’t stand this talking head need to ship her off to Ukraine and hope Putin puts a bond where she is at there. They should of dropped her pay day to a penny a day.

    • Rachel Maddow is the perfect example of why the progressive communist networks are in viewer trouble!! Who wants to listen to bending the truth to outrite lying night after night!!

  2. I wonder, does Madcow understand that if she and her cronies win the US will never again be the place where you can rake in $30 million a year for lying about your enemies?

    But, perhaps she and they DO know and that’s why they’re so desperate to rake it in NOW.

    Our system of education was corrupted long ago by the DemoCommies. That is why we have so many Mad Cows running loose today!

  3. “MSNBC putting Maddow back in the anchor chair five nights a week is a desperate attempt to pull the nose up on MSNBC’s sagging ratings…” Hahahahaha. If this FAKE NEWS outlet really thinks this will help them, they are delusional.

  4. Pretty sure anyone with common sense and a brain doesn’t even watch MS LSD, so they’ll be barking in an echo chamber…No one cares about the lamestream media! They’re just the mouthpiece for the DNC.

  5. She is paid $25mil to spew crap?? Let me sign up and I will do it for half that!!!! She lies like all blue bellies. She even liked that 13 in Afghan were murdered w/o remorse. These ppl do not fact check anything other than fog a mirror.

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