Rand Paul revealed the first Democrat Donald Trump will send to jail
Donald Trump promised that his second term won’t be anything like his first term. Trump is coming out of the gate swinging. And Rand Paul revealed the first Democrat Donald Trump will send to jail. [...]
The normal people of Colorado want mass deportation unfortunately we have a worthless Democrat for governor and a Democrat for the mayor of Denver maybe they should be deported with the illegals
There might be a problem, Chris with those who are NOT CONSIDERED NORMAL. Even if they are a minority, it seems a so-called few, can raise such a roar, no one else gets heard. It still comes down to who ‘throws around the most $$$’ who gets heard. Never mind what the U. S. Constitution says/means.
ABSOLUTELY!! This will serve as a warning for the rest of the DemonRat commies!
Totally agree. If you want to come to come to America, do it legally the way my Grandparents did!
He’s just another Democrat who thinks law don’t apply to him. The People of the USA have spoken on this November 5th.
Yup, the evil leftists hold the J6ers in prison without bail by calling them insurrectionists while this assclown openly calls for violence against federal law enforcement. John Grisham couldn’t write this.
If they pull all federal funding the people will take this johnson man (Governor) down!!!!
I’m really impressed that the Mayor of Denver can express this power stating that mother’s are going to form a human shield taking hostage of legal protection of citizens seeking protection from gangs taking over public property out of police reach. Denver uses Federal funds has military special forces and sends their agents to federal schools. Colorado is the state when Washington DC goes down. It’s just political talk he will not cross that line and he needs that federal money…
You wish to protect your citizens, fine. Protecting people who should not even be here, NOT fine.
He doesn’t care about the American People. He showed who he is. Worthless
Deport all illegals to Denver.
Now,that sounds like a plan!
Lets not forget that the first ones out will be convicted felons and anyone that has a judges deportation notice it strikes me as odd that the mayer of denver wants to protect these people???
“I would if I believed that our residents are having their rights violated,” Johnson continued.
This is PROOF that all Democrats are morons!! Those people are CRIMINAL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND HAVE NO “RIGHTS” HERE! Johnson SHOULD be working to protecting the rights of US CITIZENS! NOT criminal invaders!
Yup, Johnson is another product of our school system that preaches endless America hate and praises Marxism!! TRUMP BETTER MAKE RESOLVING THAT A PRIMARY OBJECTIVE.
Check with the Police dept. and see how they feel about it. They can mass refuse to abide with an Illegal order. Then see what Denver citizens feel about it!
And Treason should be on the table for him.
When a democrat breaks our laws it’s OK? BS! It’s not OK! If the mayor is in the way, throw him in jail!
Just who is he really protecting? The Illegals or his own constituents? If he’s is protecting his own citizens then he should be jumping for joy that the illegals are gone, if he’s protecting the illegals then the citizens need to boot his buns out of the mayoral chair.
I hope this idiot likes grey Bars and a hard mattress to sleep on, FEDERAL LAW, it is ILLEGAL to Harbor an ILLEGAL Alien 1 year in Jail per count, 1 Illegal = 1 year in Jail, 500 Illegals = 500 Years in Jail
Homan should put the bracelets on him and scoop him and anyone getting in the way, and put them in the buss with the “ILLEGALS”!! He can’t fight our Federal Government neither judges!! ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT ! I doubt if any of his police or National guardsmen would get in their way ! Their probably MAGA anyway !!
BTW, He’s probably saying this to keep Trump’s DOJ from looking in the books!! I’m sure that there are financial crimes that he doesn’t want found out!! Tax payers taxes are paying for everything for ILLEGALS !! I’m sure that there’s a few open pockets being stuffed!! !!
He and others like him are the one responsible for our border crisis and the DEMOCRATS.
There are not enough jails for these anti-American Democrats. But, it is the law so let’s get started. The one Democrat who should be prosecuted and hung for treason is Joe Biden.