Ron DeSantis melted the media’s brain with just a few simple sentences

As wildfires ravage Los Angeles, many in the media are left wondering if they should either cover the fires or Governor Gavin Newsom’s butt. And while there is plenty of failure and finger-pointing, actual accountability [...]


  1. Same old crap. Leftist media is going to continue to try and destroy the conservative right. This war is not over, in fact just beginning. Good vs Evil is going to continue til Christ comes back. Continue to fight the satanic/pedophile/trans/homo/spaying&neutering children demoncrat party. Pray, Plan, Prepare

  2. It’s supposed to be against the law to HIRE illegal aliens. So, they should have NO social security deposits to draw from! Any employers should be given 3 days to fire any illegals they have working for them. IF they don’t, and are found to have retained illegal workers, the fines should be so prohibitive they’ll not ever hire another illegal ever.
    Any monies in those bogus SS accounts need to be seized and applied to the cost of returning every illegal alien regardless of how long they’ve been here, back to his or her own country, including children, including ‘anchor babies’, including visa overstays, and any that the twisted blieden administration made illegally, unconstitutionally, or any other agreement or allowance made to keep them here.

    • They like to hire illegals. Any taxation on their pay, is put right back into the employers pockets !! How can they cash a check without an American I D. or open a bank account for direct payments !?? It’s all a scam !! DemoRats only worry about the Almighty dollar !!

  3. Newsome and bass should face persecution for what they did to California they should be fined and imprisoned in Guantanamo bay

  4. They should be jailed and everything they own ,personal and financial should be taken from both of them. They need to help pay for the damage They caused.

    • How about they move into THEIR houses !?? I’m sure that the Governor’s mansion is big enough for a few families unless their filled with illegals !!??

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