Sean Hannity ended Gavin Newsom’s career by exposing this dark secret

California Governor Gavin Newsom wants to run for President in 2028. Those dreams look like they are out the window. And Sean Hannity ended Gavin Newsom’s career by exposing this dark secret. Uncontrollable wildfires burned [...]


  1. What’s there to say? A catastrophic disaster created by liberal politicians and liberal policies and this, in my opinion, will also create the demise of a society.

    • Sure will. You can’t have a Utopian society being run by these crazy politicians in this time period as it will not work.

      • Hannity forgot all the LIES these people push. # 1 BIG LIE is Climate Change and Big Oil causing their Disasters!! the TRUTH is thye don’t know whart has caused Climate Changes over the past Million years or more and they can’t Control the Climate!!

        • There is actually some evidence that they can, indeed, manipulate the weather to some degree. This fits right into the left’s plans, since any variation from the norm is immediately blamed on “climate change”. As we saw with COVID, fear is the best tool to control the masses. Amd those on the left, being the most Godless among us, are very easily frightened , and thus easily controlled.

  2. You can’t have a Utopian society in this time period. It will not work. I ought to know because my ancestor Sir Thomas More wrote the book on it. These fires in California are an exact result of it when you have these crazy politicians inflicting the laws on people and telling them what to do.

  3. Sure will. You can’t have a Utopian society being run by these crazy politicians in this time period as it will not work.

  4. There is NO way Pharaoh Newsom will be able to run for President with the record he has and what he will do to California and Los Angeles in his remaining two years as dictator. He has teamed up with Karen Bass to use more wildfires and arsonists to completely destroy Los Angeles by 2027. Karen Bass back in 1983 was a founding member of the South Los Angeles Venceremos Brigade, a bunch of violent juvenile delinquent Communists that tried to destroy part of the city. Now over 40 years later she is teaming up with Pharaoh Newsom and their woke Communist ideology to destroy and level to the ground Los Angeles for the rest of America to see. Do You want such people to run this nation? I would think NOT!

    • Absolutely- fire was intentional. Reservoirs drained for “maintenance.” Fire trucks out for “maintenance.” Newsom walking around with fake sympathy, all the while smiling with his chest puffed out like he’s Special. Body language expert says he’s a psychopath. The mayor of LA is right behind him. They should be charged with criminal negligence and arrested.

      • These two idiots should be held accountable. They should be jailed for involuntary man slaughter. People depended on them to keep the state safe ,and that includes the air they breathe. Many people have died horrible deaths, and many millions of people are breathing polluted air. How many people will end up in the hospital with lung problems. California is breathing poison, for its not just wood burning. There are many poisoning things burning like plastic, paint, rubber tires, gas, metal car parts, etc. How much of this aftermath will end up in the ocean and on the beaches. This is only the beginning. When the rain comes, many more people will die from land and mud slides now that the foliage is gone. All this is because of Gavins failed policies, and the fact that Gavin is a complete failure. It is because of his negligence that people died, billions in property damage, pollution in the air and soon in the ocean. GAVIN AND HIS ADMINISTRATION BETTER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS NEGLIGENCE. A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT NEEDS TO BE FILED ON GAVIN AND HIS NEGLECT. THE BEST LAWYERS IN THE COUNTRY SHOULD BE CONTACTED AND THE SUIT FILED IMMEDIATELY. THE EPA SHOULD ALSO BE CONTACTED. LETS GO CALIFORNIA. TAKE THESE MATTERS TO COURT AND GET SOME JUSTICE! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

        • What justice in this country. These people knew what was coming. These people just go unpunished

        • Totally agree. Yet while CA homes were burning, he calls a meeting and agrees to fund a committee $50million to STOP TRUMP’s agenda of “SAVING AMERICA”. Sick and disgusting. Why Californians have put up with these narcissistic idiots for this long is beyond me. File 1000’s of suits on he & mayor.

        • EPA is ALSO to blame! They stop the Forest Service from cleaning up the dead tree and bushes, leaf on the ground. These things fuel the fire! So yes EPA, can claim climate change but NO MAN CONTROL THE AIR WE BREATHE. Only GOD DOES!

      • Jean, newscum walking around with fake sympathy is what we call a “photo op”
        newscum showed up at a disaster that he created, had is picture taken for the media and left

    • AGREE! Why any one believed he would be good governor for California or any political office seem to forget who is aunt is, NANCY PELOSI. That should been enough to reject him and the fact he is a DEMOCRAT.

    • IF the hatred of the right were not so strong in them, IF they were NOT so vindictive, IF they had even remotely Tried to do their jobs…. IF, IF, IF. WAKE UP CALIFORNIANS, END THE MADNESS!!!!

  5. Yes, look on the bright side if he were to win the democrat nomination it would be a
    shew in for the republicans to be the next president


    • Maybe now all the stars will know how screwed up the democrats are!!! That never would have happened if a republican was governor!! I hope they all woke up now!!!

  7. WHEN?? OH, WHEN?? Will America WAKE UP to the FACT that the Democrat/Communists have been chipping away at American safety and security for decades with moronic policies such as the ones that have led to the ARSON that has all but destroyed Southern California?

    NONE of this was an accident or coincidence! IT WAS CAUSED with a specific purpose in mind.

    At one time, before Democrat dictatorial rule, California was the place many of us dreamed about retiring in. Now, few if any of us would want to fly over it at 50,000 feet non-stop. If the fires didn’t kill us, CRIMINALS WOULD.

    WAKE UP, AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are being destroyed from the inside!!!!!!!!

  8. WAKE UP CALIFORNIA. Get rid of all the Democraps. You are running yourself into the ground and it’s your fault for putting them in office. It’s time for the adults, Republicans, to take control and put a stop to this madness. And don’t forget what the Democraps have done and put them back in office after the Republicans have fixed the mess. The Democraps are a bunch of idiots who don’t know what they are doing. Look at Biden, Carter, Clinton, Obama, Johnson.

    • I have lived through all of them. The economy with all of them was and is crap. All they do is turn things into crap.

    • Leave California as a legacy and a reminder of the failed policies of that state to show the rest of this nation.

    • Got to ask his truth master! If you forgot Obama use these three western state as DOWN PAYMENT FOR 775 BILLION DOLLARS LOAN FROM CHINA! Do we know if it been pay back? I doubt it has!

    • He clearly has no integrity whatsoever, so it’s time to throw him out. Of course, the preferred route would be to send him to prison for crimes against California. I hope we can make that happen, but I’m not getting my hopes up.

  9. He is just an empty head pretty boy. And he really thinks his looks will get him the presidency. Sorry, I do not think American women are that superficial. Goodby and Goodnight.

  10. I have lived in California. All but 5 years of my life. I have watched it decline, especially since Newsome got elected. He has single handedly destroyed Cali.
    When He was running he Said He would build reservoirs to catch all water for future uses. Instead, He tire down dams and rerouted water to the ocean. He is like the rest if the woke group.
    We have high taxes, no water, open borders, crime etc. He is a Liar and thief.
    He should be thrown out of this state.
    I cannot afford to leave and can’t afford to live here.

    • I’ve also lived here in California my entire life. I don’t believe that everyone here is as brainless and woke as the rest of the country assumes. I know many conservatives who still reside here, and I suspect that there are a lot more who vote conservative but won’t admit it. I’ve been very suspicious for some time that California is a democratic stronghold due in large part to voter fraud. The myth of California being a solid blue state has been repeated so many times in the media that no one questions it when the democrats consistently roll over their opponents in every election. It would be extremely easy to engage in voter fraud here without raising suspicions. California has a HUGE number of illegal immigrants (thanks for that, Newsom) who are very likely casting ballots in our elections. To think that isn’t happening is just foolish – voter I.D. Is no longer required, or even looked at. What could the reason possibly be for that? The democrats will stop at nothing to maintain control over California. It’s far too important for them to risk allowing the citizens to have any real self-determination. If you look at a map from the recent presidential election, most of our state was red, with the exception of the large metropolitan areas. While the blue areas do have the highest concentration of people, they also have the highest concentration of illegals. This is no coincidence in my opinion.

  11. If Gavin and his cronies try to take over all the burnt-out suburbs and do their woke thing, then Trump needs to come in with the full force of the federal government and take over California. To hell with all the woke lefties screaming for more woke policies. The Union is more important. They have to be re-educated.

  12. I voted yes for 2028 because it’s going to take more than 4 years of adult leadership to unscrew what Joe’s Obama 2.0 has done.

  13. Famous for its four seasons
    No preventions no common sense, incompetent management…

  14. The water not diverted south to fill resivoirs was excess rainfall not needed to save the smelt. Also figure out the part of the idiot that made the decision to drain a resivoir “for maintenance” in the middle of fire season.

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