Six Supreme Court Justices are in fear for their lives over this Democrat plot

Democrats spent years stoking anger at the Supreme Court. Actions have consequences. And now six Supreme Court Justices are in fear for their lives over this Democrat plot. Justice Department arrests man threatening to kill [...]


  1. Why isn’t Chuck Schumer and many others incarcerated for making death threats to other government officials? Anybody who even HINTS at violence toward a high ranking official should be imprisoned because they are mentally unstable.

    • Amen! Chuck SCHUMER should be in prison already! Even Maxie Water, AOC, HILLARY, PELOSI, SCHIFF, ETC… Every Democrat politician has made DEATH THREATENING TOWARD TRUMP AND THE SUPREME COURTS JUDGE! But DOJ AND FBI REFUSED TO ARRESTED THEM!

  2. The Constitution our laws and those in the Supreme Court in the highest of Government should not be worried by the threats coming from Dems. They have to go by the Constitution Just like the Supreme Court. These persons that make threats should be brought to Court for and by their threats. They need to be charged for a crime. To many in our Government do not go by the Constitution. These persons should be charged for trying to change the Constitution. Where is the under law departments not arresting these fools. This is a REPUBLIC in the USA. If they want Democracy then they need to leave the USA. This Democracy term is not in the Constitution. If the proper Law agencies do nothing they need to be fired.

    • Only issue is the people in the White House and behind the scenes are known for going so far as to having folks come up missing or dead. They are also the ones over the people in the jobs accountable to do the job. Be real, most are not going to stand up against the rich and powerful.
      The court is up against the very people that are the cause of all of this. Unless they start using their power to stop all this, they
      will end up powerless just like the rest of us.

  3. The Democrat Party is truly a criminal organization and should be censured. It did not used to be until Barack Obama, the first non-native born President was elected. Every bit of actual evidence to this fact was covered-up and erased, usually by the death of the author of the evidence, starting with the break-in at the passport office. Their current actions including the theft of the 2020 election, as well as the 2018 midterms, the 2022 midterms are examples. With their media aided cover-ups like January 6, to take attention from the stolen election were beyond belief.

  4. What they Democrats are trying to do is by getting them Eliminated or Impeached, so they have room to put their own Justices in place so all the ruling goes the Democrat way.

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