Taylor Swift got called out for one horrible effect on Travis Kelce

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are the pop culture “it couple.” But beneath the surface, there is some trouble. And Taylor Swift got called out for one horrible effect on Travis Kelce. Travis Kelce’s slow [...]


  1. He is trying to keep up with TS. That is not what an athlete does. He can’t have it both. He needs to work out hard everyday. He can’t do that in the TS world.

  2. He’s going to destroy her badly and use her until he gets bored with her and she will get dumped. He needs to respect her completely and respect his obligations to his own profession. If she gets hurt, she will be devastated for a long time and will not have what she truly desired in life. I hope she sees the truth and bales out before she gets hurt. She really needs a man who will be devoted to her and always support her in every way possible. Some of us call this truth of the heart.

    • Jerry you have it totally backwards. She calls all the shots not him. She is no snow white. He does need to man up.

  3. When the news first revealed a relationship between Swift and Kelce, I truly believed it was a “publicity stunt”. I still do not believe Swift is sincere in any way. This stunt has increased Swift’s publicity in areas where she was previously ignored. Sorry to see Kelce allowing himself to be used by that *#&!.

  4. I couldn’t name a Taylor Swift song if my life depended on it, I stopped watching pro football, ever since they showed their true “woke”, LGBTQ, BLM colors, years ago. So why am I here? Bc the democrats are trying to use TS and all her low-info fans to impact an election. Just as the NFL used her to get a whole new fan base to watch football. The good news is, people are smarter than they think and LESS people are voting for Harris, as a result of TS’s endorsement! 😄 Way to go, America. 🇺🇸💟🇺🇸💟🇺🇸💟🇺🇸💟🇺🇸

  5. Seriously, the only people who care about celebrities are the celebrities, themselves !! So, they’re using EACH OTHER !! Who cares? 🤷🏼‍♀️

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