These secret poll numbers scared the hell out of Kamala Harris

The 2024 Election has been a contest like none other. Now the latest twist is an unwelcome surprise for Democrats. And these secret poll numbers scared the hell out of Kamala Harris. Private polling data [...]


  1. There will be 2 names on the ballet.

    If Trump isn’t the winner, we have all had it.

    Good or bad, the US has no choice but
    to elect Trump.

    I feel as if on that day, this reality will win the day.

  2. SHE PEAKED TOO SOON???? My question is, with her abysmal record on just about everything she was responsible for, how could she even be a serious contender? Her only “claim to fame” is WHO SHE KNEW and KNOWS! It seems she checks to see which way the wind is blowing before she commits and then comes up with the lamest excuses when she backtracks. It is one thing to have a change of commitment once or twice. With her, as I said, it happens all to often.

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