Tim Walz got arrested and you won’t believe what happened next

Tim Walz is entering the Hall of Fame of bad running mate selections. The latest scandal is a doozy. And Tim Walz got arrested and you won’t believe what happened next. Tim Walz’s 1995 DUI [...]


    • I say keep him as a perfect match for Lying Kamala! Their Campaign Slogan can be “ LIAR-LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!”

    • That’s what I thought.

      VOTE TRUMP 2024

  1. Kamala picked Walz, hoping to get a free ride. She is as bad, or worse, that Walz is. She should keep him so the nation will know better than to cast a vote for either of them.

    • I think its too late for her to change her choice. It would really send a message she can’t afford.
      I hope the more they lie and try to cheat the more they are caught in their own webs of deceit. At some point it gets hard to remember all the lies.
      And stealing ideas that Trump have talked about for some time won’t help her either.
      There is no perfect man walking around. But there is one that seems to be trying to help. That’s where our votes belong.

  2. We already know how bad her judgement is. Apparently the Dems are slow learners and need another lesson.

    • The DUI was 29 years ago. What indiscretions did you commit when you were younger? Confine your cricism to what has been done recently and could affect his thinking.

      • Doesn’t forget that he still lied and that his claims as being a leader because he was a Coach, if so why did he get fired after the DUI as a Coach, don’t seem like his leadership was good enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Never, ever have I driven while drunk!!!!!!! And, I will never give a pass to ANYONE who has, if they expect me to vote for them for such a high, influential office. NO WAY!!

      • It is not WHEN, it is the lying about it that is getting him into trouble. For the very first time I am commending CNN for reporting this – they have done their REPORTING JOB. It doesn’t mean I will watch them, but when someone does good I do have to recognize it.

      • It doesn’t really matter! He is still a sorry, lying SOB that really shouldn’t be allowed to be a dog catcher!

      • Most importantly, it’s just another example of Walz being a pathological liar (someone who tells so many lies, even he doesn’t know if he’s telling the truth). He lied about the DUI, then about the rank he retired at from the military, then he made statements so people would think he served in combat. Like the rest of the Democrats, he has no vision for this country and no soul. Who in their right mind would sign a bill allowing a full term infant to be murdered? Or let extremists burn your own state to the ground because you understand their anger? The guy is equivalent to a used tampon.

    • Most liberal people are not investigating each candidate. Too many Rhino Republicans. CA owners are Chinese Military Communism. Obama picked Walz

  3. No way should she be allowed to drop him. She picked him, so suck it up Kamala, your choices show you do not have it to run the country, let alone your campaign. You picked him, so keep him…..

  4. No don’t removed Comrade Tim from the ticket, he’s going to blow up on the Democrats plan showing he is a moderate. Also, I noticed he is using the word Coach, but in 1996 when he was pulled over for DUI and tried to lie out of it, he tried blaming it on the National Guard for not hearing, which don’t make since. Also he was taken to jail due to a blood test showing he was way over the alcohol level, and got fired from Coaching football due to the charges!

    • THE IDEA THAT GOVENOR WALZ HAS DENIED PARENTAL RIGHTS RE TRASNSGENDER TREATMENT AND Had children removed from the family that is the way decisions of this magnitude should be made is disgraceful. lying re past DUIs does not help even if it was years ago. Face up to facts!!! A. Sant

  5. Walz signed into law the MURDER of born alive babies as well as loudly supporting murdering them in the womb. Walz stood by smiling while BLM burned a good sized piece of the Twin Cities down and MURDERED people in the streets. Walz blatantly LIED about his rank upon retirement from the service, about serving in combat and wants to take “weapons of war” away from people who don’t have them.

    Walz is an even BIGGER LIAR than Harris! If that’s possible.

    Now the Democrat/Communist Party wants the two of them to RULE the United States.

    So what does that tell you about the Democrat Party?

    • I agree they deserve each other.kamala’s past and career is nothing to brag about. And Walz is nothing short of a traitor to our American values.

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