Tucker Carlson served Megyn Kelly a smackdown over this awful Kamala Harris message

The media has been shameless in its cheerleading for Kamala Harris. One false narrative left conservatives groaning.  And Tucker Carlson served up a smackdown for Megyn Kelly over this awful Kamala Harris message.  Media reaches [...]


  1. Tucker is right; any person who cannot control their own “lusts” has no business trying to tell others how to live. And as for Walz and Emhoff being examples of masculine behavior; give me a break! Real men act like men, they act like true leaders, thinking for themselves, not following a crowd just to get their votes! Real men don’t act like patsies for liberal women!!!

  2. ” Tucker Carlson served Megyn Kelly a smackdown over this awful Kamala Harris message” Can you possibly have a more misleading headline than this?

  3. I live in the midwest Indiana and hear this garbage of the (cloud) called the media. Who is the media. Is it mostly east coast and west coast that I consider very unhappy with life. Is is dominated by the NYT and WP. Is the media mostly burocratic coverups for the government mistakes and facinations for change to rig rules and make money for the attorneys and politicians?

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