What Donald Trump admitted to Joe Rogan will leave you speechless

Donald Trump’s appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast set the internet on fire. Americans saw him like never before. And what Donald Trump admitted to Joe Rogan will leave you speechless. Donald Trump admits his life [...]


  1. If it wasn’t for the IGNORANCE fostered by our school systems in this century and earlier, this situation would not exist. People would know the truth about what Trump and his supporters want and what the Democrats and their Communist leaders want.

    Ignorance is destroying this country just as it has destroyed many before it.

    • Absolutely! The media is making everyone unsettled especially the Republicans..Ir the Democratsbhad their way they would rid the world of every Trump supporter and make America a place just for elites and slaves of everyone else.They should really be called Demoncrats!!

      • We are very fortunate to still have people like Joe who at least gives the contender a chance to exhibit his true thoughts on the existing decline of America’s world view. Thank you for not being intimidated be the social media who are definitely left.

    • Common Sense
      In order to lower the price of a barrel of crude we must DRILL baby DRILL…..This will :

      Lower the INFLATION
      Bring the price of a barrel of crude to less than $ 30.00. Today it is around $ 80.00
      This difference is financing the Russian Ukrainian war,
      It also enables IRAN to support all the satellite terrorists groups
      Make more difficult for Iran to develop NUCLIER weapons
      Make the USA energy independent
      Export oil to our likeminded friends
      Use AI to lower manufactory cost and bring the jobs back from off-shore places like China
      Concentrate on the developing batteries that are safer and able to store larger amount of energy
      Registering to vote and voting with proof of US citizenship only
      Quit the World Health Organization (WHO)
      Stop supporting Sanctuary Cities
      Stop MALES partaking in women sports
      Return all ILLIGIALLY entered peoples to their home countries
      Strengthen and finish the border wall
      Use the English language only
      Purge voter databases of dead voters and illegals

  2. The media is so biased I no longer watch ABC,CBS,CNN,MSNBC,NBC,PBS any other left leaning media out there. I will not listen to NPR. I get my news from Liberty Daily,INFO WARS,EPOCH TIMES,FRANK SPEECH, TRUTH SOCIAL,X and other reliable sources. The liberals can take their lies ,deception and cheating and go straight to hell with them. I am not buying their bullsh*t.

  3. Common Sense
    In order to lower the price of a barrel of crude we must DRILL baby DRILL…..This will :

    Lower the INFLATION
    Bring the price of a barrel of crude to less than $ 30.00. Today it is around $ 80.00
    This difference is financing the Russian Ukrainian war,
    It also enables IRAN to support all the satellite terrorists groups
    Make more difficult for Iran to develop NUCLIER weapons
    Make the USA energy independent
    Export oil to our likeminded friends
    Use AI to lower manufactory cost and bring the jobs back from off-shore places like China
    Concentrate on the developing batteries that are safer and able to store larger amount of energy
    Registering to vote and voting with proof of US citizenship only
    Quit the World Health Organization (WHO)
    Stop supporting Sanctuary Cities
    Stop MALES partaking in women sports
    Return all ILLIGIALLY entered peoples to their home countries
    Strengthen and finish the border wall
    Use the English language only
    Purge voter databases of dead voters and illegals

  4. itis increasingly obvious the leftist media follows the dictates of the democrat party in power to keep them in power. They clearly do not represent the best interests of the citizens of our country over the interests of their parties agenda which looks to increase government control of all aspects of life in the USA. The power of bureaucrats in the DC SWAMP which the power of the appointments, executive orders and
    legislative decisions of the increasingly radical leftist dominance of the democrat party office holders agendas has had notable decline in economic performance and individual freedoms and citizens constitutional rights. A change to restore the traditional role and agendas based upon limited government and economic innovation and growth is needed. hopefully the election of 2024 will start USA in that direction.

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