What Kamala Harris’ Secret Service agents did to a small business near her rally will have you seeing red

Joe Biden created a two-tiered justice system where government officials live under a different set of laws than everyone else. But no one knew it was this bad. And what Kamala Harris’ Secret Service agents [...]


  1. Wow, just what kind of TRASH do We the People have working FOR us in government today? The new SS allowed the Trump shooter FREE ACCESS to the site and willfully took over this woman’s business without her consent.

    I’ve read a LOT of history pertaining to the pre-WW2 years and to the conduct of Hitler’s own “SS” then and during WW2. I see a frightening parallel with them and our own Secret Service and other government agencies here in the US today!

    Frankly I find it difficult to believe that our own citizens can be so easily suborned into acting as they do today when handed a badge, gun and power as our FBI and SS have.

    Can I expect my own door to be kicked down and a platoon of machine gun armed Feds to pour through it now that I’ve posted such a negative comment about them all? After all, I exercised my Constitutional Rights to Free Speech. Apparently that’s a crime in 2024 AD.

    And ill-educated ignorant Democrats call Constitutional Republicans NAZIS today!

    • Wow! How the Secret Service has “gone down”! LBJ motorcade passed our high school and prior to has passing, Miliraty Helicopter flew overhead several times
      checking rooftops along the route.

    • I have always heard and I do believe, if people forget or change history, it will repeat. Just like the war where we know Russia is seating in waiting and will send men home in body bags. They think they are winning. I think history will repeat and they will be killed.
      I pray I have it wrong. Guess time will tell.😭

  2. These are supposed to be kaw enforcement people not law breakers. These people should be held to rhe highest order of what is legal. Breaking the law like this has to be accountable even to groups like the Secret Service. If they can do whateverthey want ven if it’s illegal, how can we expect others to be held accountable fir crimes. At the very least all of the agents, including what appears to be police, should be suspended without pay. That would be some accountability at least. This smacks of what the founding fathers were concerned about when they wrote the second amendment. I’m wondering if this administration cares about the law anymore!

    • If I was the owner, I would sue the secret service company , plus the team who broke in to the business. they are supposed to be watch the vice president not staying in the building next door. they are probably the same team that was supposed to be watching President Trump at his rally in butler. instead they were inside the building while the shooter was on the same roof. they all need to be put in jail and the penison and their wages taken away. the srecret service, fBI and the police all need to be investagived. They are kn better then the criminals .

    • The current administration is the one who believes the Constitution is just a piece of paper and no longer relevant. They want to abolish not only free speech, but also our right to protect ourselves. So NO, they DO NOT care about the law. They only care about what they want, whether illegal or not.

      • so true american citizen. My ancestors who have been here hundreds of years on once side and thousands of years on the other have never seen such blatant disregard of its people. This administration and party are corrupt. How is it that a person who was never voted in a primary gets to run as president when the sitting president is alive and not impeached? I smell a rat and its name is Obama.

  3. Any {agents acting in this manner should\be summarily fired for cause and a record of this placed in their 0ernnle records.

  4. This Administration is a Communist Regime that regulates the operation of this government, institutions and its interactions with society. God Save America. Like Trump said ” They are after our Freedom and he is in the way”!

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