Whoopi Goldberg launched this awful attack on Trump supporters
The ladies of The View haven’t calmed down one bit since Donald Trump won the election. Every episode of the show is a giant therapy session for Democrats. And as a result, Whoopi Goldberg launched [...]
The View is telling the truth every day about tRump and his incompetent cabinet picks. Anyone that supports this asshole is in a CULT!!!!!
You & the rest of the HYPOCRAT supporters ARE THE PROBLEM , MENTAL MIDGETS at best . Keep spewing your mouth diarrhea , better yet , eat a whole package of Imodium
You poor, deluded ignoramus.
Apparently, according to you, the MAJORITY of US Citizens are in a cult. We out-voted you. GROW UP!
Put on your big boy pants and deal with it. Quit acting like childish, spoiled brats.
It is a confused cross dressing dipocrap. Where’s panties no pant
We know who is the rotten apples in Washington is. Just because no body wanted debo Hilary Clinton as president. Doesn’t mean trump is bad. Remember she also ran in the primary against Obama and she still lost. That’s says a lot. Stop whining. Remove the physicos from the view.your opinion means no more than anyone else’s.
I enjoy the psychos on both sides of an issue. I learn much from my opposition.
Amen to that
That’s odd! I learn much from my own RESEARCH, and from honest journalists!
MSNBC just fired Joy Reid. It is about time that ABC cancels The View. All of these women are filled with hatred, devoid of common sense and accusers of everyone else except themselves as being racist!
CANCEL THE VIEW PLEASE. These women are the most unhappy, mean people ever.
Congratulations you get a part in the new Dumb and Dumber movie!!!!
Joy Ried’s gone. Hopefully the View will be next!
Right on! Fat ass Whoopi is a disgraceful bitch the way she talks about Trump etc. She should be fired…
She big on volume, and low on information. I’m sure she CAN’T talk to Trump supporters. They probably all shout her down with the truth.
Listening to too many fake news reporters, I see!
I thought woopi was leaving the country? Promise made, promise ignored!
They ain’t none of those idiots going anywhere. No other country would put up with them. They all are liars. They wouldn’t have why they got if it weren’t for Americans like us.
SHE LIED> She is afraid we would declare the day she left, and left for good, A NATIONAL HOLIDAY!
This show and many others like it should be taken off of the air.
Cancel The View, they are the problem.
EXACTLY! I am curious if their sponsors share the SAME LUNACY AS THE VIEW.
I don’t want to see this crap taken off the air due to its hateful, ignorant content. I would like to see it disappear due to plummeting ratings as more Americans recognize it for the trash that it is and tune out. Unfortunately, the reality is that there will always be a certain percentage of ignorant, overly-emotional fools in the population who continue to support these ugly disgruntled women sitting around complaining about the “ills” of society. In reality, there is probably no better way to support MAGA than to keep this crap ON the air, as irritating as it is to those with any degree of intelligence. The one thing that those of us on the right need to be very careful of is not advocating for censorship – the very thing that’s been used against us for years. If we succeed in censoring shows like this simply for stating opinions that we don’t share, we will face the very same thing again should the political pendulum swing back towards the left (God forbid). At this point, we need to assure that the censorship of ideas is never again allowed to occur in this country (i.e. a return to the nightmare of the Biden regime). If America is to survive as a free country, ANYONE who attempts to stifle free speech, or aids in its implementation deserves to be viewed as an enemy of the state and imprisoned, and repeat offenders put to death. This certainly applies to our corrupt politicians and bureaucrats as well as the moguls of mainstream and social media.
I used to love watching Whoopie’s movies. But not anymore. She should have stayed in the movie field. The problem is she won’t talk to us, not that she can’t. She and others like her, have closed their minds to anything other than the current dems ideologies.
She knows that if she tried to talk to a Trump supporter, she’d be put in her place, and she doesn’t want that. She wants a forum where she’s the only one allowed to speak, and therefore, can say whatever she wants without being embarrassed. She could never be on a debate team, for sure!
They should kick those bitches off the air there mouths can’t keep up with there whining dirty minds. Democrats are crazy what there problem is they have know understanding they don’t even try to understand what the true American citizens needs or wants. The crazy thing is they are citizens to and can’t see shit in front of there faces. What the hell is so dam hard in understanding that Trump has already saved the American people two or more trillion dollars by having Musk and team clean up Fraud and Waste out of are tax money what the hell is hard about that. Never has anyone or anything been as stupid as dirty Democrats. It’s hard to believe that there are thousands or more people out there who are stupid idiots just like those of the VIEW.
Poopy Goldberg, one of the biggest racists that ever were, systemic racism is code for race baiting into some other misaligned agreement with a libtard, a quote I authored during the woke BLM attack on America.
“ Hate not the race, race not thy hate “ MMM 2021
Poopy, you should make a new movie demonstrating your hate for America and Donald Trump, a great title I have come up with for you and an offshoot of a movie title Poopy starred in, let’s call it “ The Color Orange “ 😂😂😂
Make America Great Again/America First
Stupid idiots like those bitches of the VIEW can’t understand the simple little things. What in hell is so hard about understanding what fraud and waste is ?. Yet bummer assholes don’t know. Trump has already saved the American tax payer two trillion dollars in waste and fraud with his Musk & Team yet stupid Democrats holler about Musk and his Team , never have I had to listen to so much stupid shit. Get a dam brain you rotten stupid idiot Democrats stop being so braindead why do you not want are country to be great what is your dam learning problem ?. Do you really not know what waste is ? Do you really don’t know what Fraud is ? Do you really don’t want are borders to be safe from letting terrorist in ?. What the hell is wrong with you people. Stop the stupid stuff stop acting like those ladies of the VIEW and start helping make America great again.
It’s are country keep it for all true Americans don’t let braindead stupid people take back over . Keep it strong keep it moving towards greatness. Please keep America great. Amen
Does anyone really care what the panel of the View thinks? Based in the ratings I don’t think so. I think people only watch them to see that there are really stupid people in the world. I can hinestly say I have not wadted one minute if my time watching those program.
NOPE! I’ve never watched it, and don’t intend to. I see enough stupidity just reading Democrats’ comments on Facebook. These women remind me of “dumb blonde” jokes.
ONLY a Democrat fails to realize that Liberals like Whoopee Cushion constantly attack all white people as racist for no other reason than they’re white. Then they call those same whites “racists”. Labeling every member of a particular race as “racist” or anything else IS RACISM.
Whoopee Cushion labeled HERSELF.
By the way. Democrats, if you’re white she is labeling YOU TOO!
When Barbara Walters God rest her soul started the View the show had some class, well need I say anymore.I guess Miss Whoppie won’t be making any more movies as she already knows no one will go see them.As far as racist listen to those people.
I agtee!
The woman has the brain and common sense of a moth. What she says is meaningless.
Whoopie, No one cares what you want or think.
Wasn’t this thing supposed to leave the USA if Trump was elected? Why is she(?) still here? Why is she bothering people?
It’s amazing to me that this show is still on? Why would anyone or anybody actually listen to and take any advice from this absolutely ignorant bunch? They pretty much know nothing about anything! The only reason it exists today is because people want to hear what they have to say about Trump! Without him there is no show. Think about it do they ever talk about or bring up any other topic? They should cancel this hypocritical bunch of idiots ASAP!
So What. The donkey party did all they could to try and lie ; and even go so far as to attempt murder on this guy , and for what? For wanting to bring America back to a standing the entire world look’s to?? Bring your Dem leader. Show who YOU have That can go toe to toe with{ and we will start with an easy one } Putin.? You Don’t Talk Leadership.
If I turn on the TV and Whoopie is in the movie or shows up on the screen I change stations. I won’t watch anything that she is in. She makes me feel bad about the show. And unfortunately she was in 2 television shows that I watched a lot and loved. Star Trek series and Blue Bloods. She is so very racist herself that she can’t get beyond it. She’s just a disgusting person. But all of the big bitches on the View are about as racist and bitter women as you can get. Which is why I won’t ever watch the show ever. See enough clips to disgust me. But I have stopped watching CNN, MSNBC and all regular shows because I can’t stand the Woke agenda that they spew.
No one tunes into this show because they’re looking for advice or political direction. Every viewer is already a die-hard leftist, which means that brain damage has already occurred. There’s no reason for the rest of us to fear this show (although plenty of reason to hate it) since these disgruntled moron hosts are just preaching to the choir. We need to remember that same choir voted in the recent election and still lost big time. I’m a hell of a lot more concerned about the continued attempts by the media to lie and withhold facts in order to discredit the right than anything these hags spew on their classless show. The View has no influence on the real world, while mainstream media unfortunately still does.
goldberg obviously can’t talk to republicans- her IQ is too low, way too low. She is a confirmed racist and too stupid to communicate intelligently. That time slot will soon be gone the way of the dodo bird. The infants on that show are so bitter, they need to go get laid – I know, I know, who would—- No One!
It’s not just the VIEW; it’s ABC and other liberal talk shows and stations that let’s liberal propaganda like this on the air. These stations have some really good programs but their talk shows suck. How many lies has the mass social media said about Trump and covered a positive outlook for Biden. Trump is finding the waste, fraud and corrupt spending from our taxes and Democrats are against it and the media is finding ways to discredit Trump. When will the nonsense stop and common-sense ring in these liberals heads?