One number should scare the daylights out of every Democrat in America

Republicans, Democrats, and election analysts are sifting through the data from November and beginning to come to some startling conclusions. There is nothing but bad news for the Democrat Party. And one number should scare [...]


  1. Let’s pray that with this advantage that President Trump will have better support than he did on his first term. This is the time to unite and bring the USA back to being the best country ever.

  2. You can bet your last dollar that at this very moment Democrat Party Bosses are working feverishly to determine what happened to their election rigging apparatus. No doubt too they’ll be working 24/7 to bring in more illegals to fill their voter rolls.

    This isn’t over yet! Unless our “defenders” and the two-faced GOP finally end Democrat rigged elections they will just keep happening.

    Considering the massive election fraud perpetrated by Democrats in the past, it makes me wonder just how many votes Trump won by THIS election! Was it ONLY 3.5 million?

  3. As a born and bred, English Man. I truly Hope Donald, Elon, and All Republican’s do all they can to bring about
    ASAP the Downfall of this lunatic Labour Mob.
    USA do not allow the Trump Hater MANDELSON to become the American UK Ambassador

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