Adam Schiff pleaded with Joe Biden not to make one wrong move on his way out

Joe Biden is ready to end his Presidency with his biggest scandal yet.  The country has never seen anything like this before.  And Adam Schiff pleaded with Joe Biden not to make one wrong move [...]


    • The new Trump Administration needs to go after all the demoncracts that have broken ke the law.Hold nothing ba k. IT WILL be easy because they did commit many crimes

    • Yes he is!!! Biden pardoned his family today when none were even charged with anything. Shows wrongdoing don’t u think??

    • The only reason shit doesn’t want a pardon he thinks if he doesn’t take a pardon.
      He will be presumed enasent. Of any wrong doing. He is trying reverse sycolagy. Lier lier pants on fire. He needs to awnser to his. Lies.go to prison.

    • Good riddance to the most corrupt administration in my lifetime. I am saddened that these Scoundrels got away with breaking many laws and giving pardons to people who are not worthy of one. WHAT AN EMBARRISMENT!!! Biden destroyed all that was precious to the people of this country. It would be a mockery to have his portrait hanging on the wall of past Presidents in the White House.


  1. The democrats break all the rules because they know they will get away with the crimes they commit. Hillary destroyed evidence that would have put her in prison and she was allowed to get away with it because Comey let her off. Lois Lerner got away with her crime, Hunter Biden got away with his felony crime, and the list goes on and on.
    It is time that we hold the corrupt party and their leaders to account. Pelosi and her bunch of kangaroo court misfits be charged for destroying evidence that would have proved President Trump innocent of all trumped up charges by the evil and hateful democrats. At the same time, the Jan 6 evidence destroyed by the kangaroo court jesters would have proven the charges unlawful. It was a peaceful protest that instigated by the Capitol police and other agents from the corrupt leftist, led to the out of control protest. The Summer of love in 2020 was worst than Jan 6 and not a thing happened to the fascist and BLM criminals. They did billions of dollars of damages and Harris bailed them out of jail.
    I would say to President Trump: Jan 6 never happened. If democrats can do crime and it is like it never happened, then you should free “ALL” the innocent Jan 6 prisoners who have been treated like the prisoners in 3rd world countries prisons. Inhumane and abusive. Let them “ALL” out of jails and prison. Let the Republicans enjoy some of the illegal actions the democrats are privy to.

      • Let’s not forget the even MORE evil group that works for the same globalist masters as the despicable democrats: the neocons. These are the people that I fear the most as Trump enters office. They have decades of experience in global political warfare – everything from assassinations to revolutions to false flag attacks. And they’re actually allied with the left. They’re basically like the enforcement arm of the NWO. All the while they masquerade as conservative Republicans. If America falls, it will be due in large part to the efforts of the neocons. Much like their democrat brethren, these people have no souls, and morality is completely unknown to them.

    • Amen 🙏 But all of January 6th should file lawsuit against the democrats party and Nancy Pelosi! Not to leave out the FBI AND THAT COURT JUDGE WHO HANDLE MOST OF THE CASES. SHE WAS OBAMA APPOINTED JUDGES!

  2. Should only be prosecuted if an in investigation found that a crime was committed and the person committed the crime!

    • Shifty Schiff is an evil man and should be held accountable for all of his Russia, Russia lies. Of course, there has been many other lies perpetrated by him. As I said, he is an evil man. I am an 86 yr old woman who hopes she lives long enough to see him pay for his crimes.

      • Janet, I match your age and agree with you completely. Adam Shiff lies to improve his position in the other party.

      • I agree with you 100%. Schiff is one of the most despicable, slimy individuals to ever get elected, although he’s in good company with most of the current democrats in office. Since I believe that leftism is a mental condition. I seriously doubt that we’ll see any justice served in our lifetime. There will always be enough citizens who have consumed the “progressive” koolaid that will continue to vote for these evil criminals despite the threat they represent. There are truly a huge number of Americans who hate America and will not stop until they destroy it. Of course, the greatest concentrations of them are in the blue states of which Schiff is a proud member.

  3. Schiff should be in jail along with Pelosi.If I was Trump I’d be so pissed for the way he was treated with no reason.For what the Democrats accused Trump for was their fault for NOT following directions.If I was Schiff,Pelosi and Biden I’d be looking over my shoulder.Also how about the two assassination attempts.We still didn’t here who was held responsible for those attacks.I believe the Democratic Party should be abolished for what they put the whole Nation through!!

  4. Hunter hasn’t even faced any charges due to his and Joe’s influence peddling as of yet ! So Joe is not just protecting Hunter but also himself !!
    An investigation hasn’t even begun so, They are still open for prosecution as well as family members!! Pam Bondi will investigate
    And bring charges that haven’t even been brought forth !
    Will Joe throw a blanket over himself also !??? THE CORRUPTION GETS NO BIGGER !! #FJB

  5. This whole 4 years has been nothing but a farce and a joke. Glad this putz is gone by Monday. Would not have been able to withstand another 4 years of this crap. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

      • Talking about Trump? Or you talking about Biden? Who never should been President! Committed TREASONOUS as a SENATE AND VICE PRESIDENT! But fools like you keep voting for your SLAVE MASTER and their plantation! Tell me has anything improved in the black community since 1969? All these blue city got destroyed by DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS as Mayor, Governor,and Congress ! They stolen the federal reserve fund for the city.

  6. Any one who gets a pardon should be removed immediately from office and never be allowed to hold any office or position in the government and all benefits be revoked immediately including retirement benefits healthcare pensions everything else paid by the government. They forfeit everything from the pension government funding. If you need a pardon your a corrupt and avoiding criminal justice system and deserve nothing but shame. Democrats are playing a very tricky game and the American people are going to remember this for ever never trust corrupt democrats because
    They Are Above The Law they never be trusted ever again especially if they get pardoned. Well democrats you screwed the pooch and now you have to pay the piper. You stuck your finger in it this time. Biden your a loser and a disgrace to the American people and world. Hide your head in shame.

    • That’s an excellent idea that you proposed. If one is going to accept a blanket pardon – an obvious admission of GUILT – there should be a price to be paid. In this case, they should have to forfeit not only their position within the government, but all benefits that are associated with it. These people are elected because they swear to uphold the American system of government. Yet accepting a pardon proves that they don’t trust the very justice system that they’re responsible for. If our system is truly fair, and they’re innocent of any wrongdoing, why should they fear being put on trial? If the system is corrupt, that’s a direct reflection of their failure.

  7. schiff face and i am substituting his name for the word i want to use is guilty of lying on the j6 bogus committee along with all of the other crooks on the committee otherwise bejing biden wouldn’t have pardoned them because even in his blithering idiot state he knew they committed several crimes and could go to jail. accepting a pardon just proved they are all guilty and should be charged with treason!!! F the democrook a–holes!!!

  8. democrats believe that there are laws for Americans, but no laws for democrats because they are destroying America for china. any vote for any democrat for any office is a vote to destroy America. period!

  9. Biden’s Pardons are nothing more than an outward expression of guilt. He knew that there is a need for a pardon and in most cases multiple needs for pardons for the criminal acts committed against America, Americans and humanity. Without these pardons he knew prosecution, which still may happen, would convict these criminals.

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