Bill Maher came to one realization about Elon Musk that will make Democrats sick

Right after President Trump, the media targeted Elon Musk as public enemy number one. But the usual hit pieces and smears aren’t working. And Bill Maher came to one realization about Elon Musk that will [...]


    • Agree! How can anyone resist accountability from our government when the moneys they are spending (stealing) is coming in from the “overtaxed” taxpayer? This has been going on for decades and MUST BE STOPPED! Thanks President Trump.

    • To put that savings in perspective: (Trump’s first month)
      110 billion in 1 month = 3.5 billion per day
      “. “= 5.3 trillion total over 4 years
      It’s difficult to even comprehend how much 36 trillion actually is and how our elected officials ever allowed America to accumulate this kind of debt . It blows my little finite mind!

  1. The difference between Republicans and Demorats is: BRAINS vs. Brawn. BRAINS will ALWAYS conquer brawn in the end.

  2. Reduce the budget and pay down the debt, but keep Trump’s earlier tax reductions BEFORE giving taxpayers any “DOGE dividends”

  3. Commie fascist racist satanic democrat and NOT funny Bill Mahar wouldn’t know the truth if it but him in the ass!!!!

  4. These commie fascist racist satanic democrats are too involved in conniving, manipulating, and scheming with syphoning off our money for their fascist racist and woke programs, so as to get as many ‘Quid Pro Quo’ money laundering kickbacks and illegal voters as they can. They haven’t cared about the American poor and working class people for the last 50 years!!!

  5. Bill Maher is only trying to save face because he knows that he’s currently on the LOSING side. No one on the right should give him an ounce of credibility or think that he’s suddenly seen the light. This is the same POS who said numerous times that he thought Biden was doing a great job and being unfairly criticized (and this was during Biden’s LAST year in office). Just because rich elitist Maher wasn’t feeling the financial pinch, he saw no reason why anyone else should complain about it. Until Maher comes clean and admits that he was 100% wrong about everything that the left stands for (which will occur just after hell freezes over), he’s nothing more than a small, self-serving, pot-addicted weasel whose leftist roots are fully intact.

  6. There are three huge government offices that steal on a daily basis…(this is controversial but has to be put out in the open) 1) The IRS scam (it’s a racket!) Need proof? Why in the world does this organization need military grade weaponry and ammunition? HUH? A “FLAT TAX for starters…or just tariffs!! 2)The Federal Reserve… sinking of the Titanic was Federal Reserve Banks biggest success story buried for ever and every dollar that is “given to banks” is at 2% (outta the gate…got it? Perpetual riches!!!) 3) Treasury – let’s find out just exactly how much GOLD is ACTUALLY stored in Uncle Sam’s fabled vaults (Elon MUSK’s DOGE has to audit this “secret” hookum!) There, that’s just for starters. Folks, We The People are being “snookered, REALLY BAD!’ Remember FDR going for all our Gold held privately? And he locked us up, too!!! All Democ”rats”!!! Amen. God Bless MAGA, USA AND ALL HARD WORKING AMERICAN CITIZENS. Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandmens everywhere. GO MAGA!

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