Chuck Schumer gave one order that is bad news for Donald Trump

Democrats don’t currently control any branches of government. But that doesn’t mean they can’t cause problems. And Chuck Schumer gave one order that is bad news for Donald Trump. Republicans control the White House and [...]


    • Old Chucky should inherit The shifty moniker from Shiff..and Both Shiff and Warren should concentrate their efforts to Help their Own States inadequacies..

    • That’s a good start,but don’t stop there. The entire party needs to be expunged from existence. They have forgotten why they are there and what they are supposed to do. They think they are there to serve their party, right or wrong. This is a pity, how did we, the American people allow this to happen?

    • I agree that chuck schume, his deep state mobster, rhino republican cronies need to be impeached, arrested, tried for crimes against America, possible treason at GITMO.

    • Amen!! Chucky needs to get fired because he is spreading lies about the people that will help save America and get it on track after all the crap biden and his buddies have put this country into!

  1. I’m sure Chuckles has enough problems in his life that the FBI can find reasons to arrest him for crimes committed

      • we are aware of the loss but be still have rights to complain along with our own beliefs especially when specific people trump has requested are not qualified for the job he asks for

    • I’m sure that will be played out as well as….That means lying about them in the press – knowing the Democrat Party lackeys in the media will play along – as well as creating theatrical moments in confirmation hearings to drive news coverage.

    • I don’t think the FBI would have to look to far to find alot bad things about Chuckie to get rid of him and the other bad ones in the swamp!!

    • These democrats destroyed the country now let President Trump fix it with out interference from corrupt democrats

        • He is going to put an effort into cleaning up the people that wanted to keep him out of the office of
          President of the USA 🇺🇸👏!

  2. All the Dems are doing is showing their true colors. Not one of them can ask a “Real” question. All they can do is throw our hypotheticals, and hope for someone to grab the bait. They are all so childish, if it wasn’t so scary it would be funny.

    • The statement in the form of an order that Schumer has put out to Democrat Senators and the marchers in the streets show the TRUE COLORS of Democrats toward the country. We know the true protectors of the nations freedoms and it surely is not the LEFT of the country.

  3. All this is about is “Party over Country”!! They don’t give 2 shits about America nor American citizens!! They and the MSM are nothing but Swamp Rats how have been continuing division in America !! One day ALL AMERICANS will WAKE THE FK UP AND SEE WHY WE ARE IN THE SITUATIONS THAT WE ARE !! THEY DONT EVEN LOOK AT WHAT THE WORLD IS LOOKING AT AND MAKING THE PLANS OF ATTACK !! WE ALL, MUST COME TOGETHER !! 🇺🇸🇺🇸1ST #MAGA2025

    • The Dems USED to be the political party of the working man..Thats was many generations ago, now its Power and persuading their media friends and whispering in the ears of Rinos with threats. These Dangerous people we elected must be rooted out of Washington. Maybe to new digs in Fed Prison.

  4. Why did anyone think the Democrat/COMMUNISTS would just give up and roll over quietly?

    There is more and WORSE to come yet and I foresee a spring and summer of even more and more violent Democrat riots.

    And Trump had better keep his head down! The DemoCommies mean business!

  5. Democrats are in big trouble the more they fight Trump administrators the more people are going to reject them.
    America Americans voted for Trump’s agendas not the democrats failed leadership. If they try to up hold Trumps team they’re going to lose more people every election because they know their party is corrupt and don’t want America to be Great under president Trump. Schumer going to his ass handed to him really fast. democrats are already revolting against their party as failed administration Biden is the worse president in history and democrats leaded him into failures and the world knows it.

  6. God sees the Democrats evil ways. There are prayers going
    Up to God for Him to bless President Trump with the cabinet he desires. They had better be VERY CAREFUL, God can be
    Forceful to help people who will do great. Democrats are on
    Dangerous ground!

  7. There is no justification for all Trump nominees not to get confirmed. People are so grateful that this country survived these past 4 years of harrowing experience from the most incompetent administration this country ever had. The so-called main-stream-media are just as culpable for their conspiratorial and biased reporting for that administration’s possibly purposeful systematic destruction of this country and must be held accountable.

  8. The Dem lie lie lie and thing it the true .sorry Dem everyone on to you Dem .hope you can find a brain for big joe .?

  9. I believe that the nation as a whole is sick and tired of the Democrat “Business as Usual” and fully expect the transition that they voted for in Trump. Four years of lies, corruption, high costs, and wide spread loss of integrity must come to an end. America is crying out for a government they can believe in again. The LEFT Staring: “Cryin’ Chuck”, 1/1024 Native American Squaw Lizzy Warren, Fake Vietnam Vet Blumenthal, the current DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA have had four years to prove their promises to “Unite the People” and “Build Back Better” and “Provide Transparent Government”. The same people with the same lies is not the answer, It’s past time for a change.

    • Wasn’t that supposed to be “democraps”
      are a bunch of criminals, liars,and ASSHOLES! The swamp needs to be drained! NOW!!

  10. I say open a Committee to investigate the Jan.6 Committee and their orchestrating of the False Flag operation they tried to claim was MAGA Insurrection. This reeks of the Nazi Reichstag Fire of 27 Feb. 1933. First off require the DEmocrats to produce all records and materials from the Committee. Bring Thompson and Lizzie in and under oath ask them what happened to all the records.

  11. Chuck the cluck Schumer is a conniving scum liar and should be in prison for his actions against our country. Poor excuse for a human being.

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