Donald Trump forced a confession out of this vulnerable Democrat that left Chuck Schumer sick to his stomach

Democrats made former President Donald Trump enemy number one of their party and they’re hoping their message of defeating him at any cost will get Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to the White House. But [...]


  1. The political arena has become concerous. Both parties have taken integrity and ethics completely out of the equation. No RESPECT for each other. We’ve forgotten that it’s ok to have different opinions on how to move our country forward. We have allowed LOBBYISTS AND MONEY to override the common sense approach to government. We sell our souls to the highest bidder regardless of the best path forward for Americans. Special interest groups become the constituents rather than every day Americans. We’ve turned our government offices both great and small into sewer processing centers by selling out the offices for political gains. May God bring TRUTH and INTEGRITY back into the political arena. May we enact law that bans LOBBYISTS completely. May we return to a civil political system not fueled by HATE, SPECIAL INTEREST, AND “FOR SALE” POLITICIANS. MAY GOD HELP US. AMEN

  2. I don’t live in Montana but it’s VERY CLEAR he poses as a Republican buts votes like a “rabid far left democrat”.Montana get rid of him for the sake of your country.

    • I would never vote for Tester. His voting record shows where his heart is. And, it is not with the Republicans.

  3. My email address has been correct for at least ten years. I am being censored for my political beliefs supporting private rights under our US Constitution.

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