J.D. Vance made one CNN host realize he just made the worst mistake of his life

The media is completely in the tank for Kamala Harris. It’s the most egregious example of media bias in campaign history. And J.D. Vance made one CNN host realize he just made the worst mistake [...]


  1. CNN,SUCKS .lying,nothing but FAKE.if CNN said it was raining out, I would have to look outside. I have ZERO CONFIDENCE IN ANYTHING they say ,I dont know how those people sleep at night,lying to millions on a daily basis.

  2. I DO so very much miss the days of “Good Night, Chet. Good Night, David.” When the news was the 5 “Ws” and Editorials were clearly identified as such. Those great days when We the People got TRUTH.

    Now? There are very few we can believe. It’s almost ALL one-sided and most times those who keep up on things see that most of it is LIES. Sorry,Democrats, but not all (R)s are criminals and not all (D)s are going to get everything FREE if they vote straight (D).

    Those days started disappearing in the 1970s little by little when the deep Left started taking over our schools! Now here we are where our news is virtually all one sided and horribly slanted in favor of the Democrat/Communist/Globalists.

    The Democrats out there can deny it all they want, but we no longer have a completely honest news media. About 3/4ths of it is Democrat/Communist/Globalist.

  3. “The FBI was investigating it and so we covered it,” Tapper replied. This is standard operating procedure for the media to hide behind the DEEP STATE’s skirts. They have completely given up their investigative nature in order to kiss the feet, and other body parts, of the administrative state.

  4. Trapper is nothing more than an ARROGANT NARCISSIST! So much fun watching him get PULVERIZED and EMBARRASSED on his own TV slot.

  5. Why do they call Trump a Nazi and not Harris/Walz communist. Harris was raised by communists parents.
    In China. Walz lived in and taught communism for more than 5 years .
    They as more dangerous to Democracy because of their
    affiliations to communism and China than Trump.

  6. CNN should have its Media License revoked for all its false news and so-called investigative reporting. True Journalists are not politicians; they are true reporters of Real News and Investigations, which leaves CNN lost to its true calling! Why is it Money, Hate, or Power that makes CNN last in its supposed field of expertise?

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