Mitch McConnell has one sick plan to elect Kamala Harris

Mitch McConnell is no fan of Donald Trump. But he’s taking his attempts to purge Trump and the MAGA movement from the GOP to the extreme. And Mitch McConnell has one sick plan to elect [...]


  1. McConnell you’re a disgrace to the republicans and American people. You and your ass hole buddies Biden Harris Pelosi Schumer and Rinos need to retire you never learn and listen to the taxpayers who pay your salaries which should be cut in half so you know what’s it like to live like 80% of Americans. Americans are sick and tired of of you open check books with our money. Time to cut government officials at a minimum of half. You lifers destroyed this great country can’t blame anyone else you been there for ever it’s your fault America is failing your ass deep in it.
    All of you join Biden and remove yourselves we sick of you assholes. Never once did emit anything was ever your fault

  2. Why aren’t the republican senators saying out loud what he is trying to do. Kick the old man to the curb now!!!!!!!!

    • I completely agree with these comments Mitch is a RINO and shouldn’t be trusted with any direction he takes. These politicians are in for their benefit and NOT for our democracy and our country. Just cuz they may have had a disagreement, they act like children. “Just see what I do to you.” attitude instead of serving “we the people”.

      • Damn Skippy! McConnell is a scumbag traitor who needs to be in prison for treason and crimes against humanity. May the fleas of a thousand camels nest in his armpits and his crotch.

    • Damm skippy. Heave ho, Mitch Squish McConnel has got to go. Just look at him and tell me “squish” doesn’t describe him.

  3. This sick old demented rino McConnell is as big an ASSHOLE as are every Demoncreep politician in our countrey. He lies and schemes just like Biteme joey and Camala do. The creeps need to be voted out of office by good God fearing patriotic Americans this next election cycle. No more lies, no more BULLSHIT, just get the F-out of our lives. Go MAGA, Go Donald, GO Republicans everywhere!!!

  4. “Mitch McConnell wants to exile Trump and his supporters from the GOP.” The turtle is a classic DEEP STATE RINO swamp creature who wants to keep the power in DC instead of in the hands of the citizens outside DC. He disgusts me as do all RINOs who put the DS ahead of country.

    • McConnell is a LOSER and a Jackass!!!! He needs to be Horse whipped and thrown in Prison ASAP!!!100% TRAITOR!!!!!

  5. McConnell has done so much damage to the Republicans !!! He is one of the many DARK RULERS planted in the Republican party by the Democrats !!! He has done a GREAT JOB FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY !!! COMES JUDGEMENT DAY , HE WILL GET HIS !!!

  6. old mitch and ryan both have fought against conservative and for dem there whole time in office It seems like that is what they chose for leaders They both crawled to do obambos bidding while saying how hard they worked for the ppl

  7. To me McConnell is the dough boy! Fat, pail, big jowels, and smoochie! He has opposed Trump since 2016. Dough Boy is a consummate rino and bureacrat. Among his worst traits is the warmonger. Part of his past heritage. Good old boys of the WWII through the cold war stages with Russia. Today he represents a historical mess he lived through and made worse with the attitudes of that generation.

    Past time for this anchor to leave. And proof term limits should exist in Congress. Dough Boy has singlehandedly caused a lot of lost opportunities for several administrations to do better. But until the rinos are forced out via elections this sort of idiot because of senority is in charge and acts as the bully until his state votes him OUT! Please vote this guy out, last term would have been better!

  8. We the People have been telling the GOP to unite and DUMP Mitch and several more like him for a lo-o-ong time now. The reaction of the GOP? A raised middle finger.

    Without THIS RINOCRAT Party the DemoCommies could not have gotten as far as they have. The Repugnantcans have voted WITH the Commies on key issues for a long time now.

    I and a long list of others have tried to say that on many supposed Conservative sites for a lo-o-ong time. Our efforts were met with deleted comments and being banned from the sites! I truly wish I had a $100 bill for every time that has happened!

    It isn’t just the GOP. It’s other media sites too. The Democrats are NOT the only ones playing the destroy America game from under cover!

  9. Need to find supporters of this lunacy. Over the years, we the voters have been offered Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Paul Ryan, Bob Dole and the list goes on. Who needs these yellow backed Republicans? They will support whatever policies favor them. Enough.

  10. In my opinion McConnell is one of the sleaziest, most corrupt, useless, anti-American, pieces of political scum who ever walked the halls of Congress. The only people worse are the mindless morons who keep voting for him.

  11. Mitch received 25,000,000 as a wedding gift from his wife’s parents, powerful people in China. Hmmm. Trump is hep to seeing China for what it is and for having clear boundaries and policies to contain them. I suspect, his in-laws do not like Trump for this reason. The rub then is the following: What influence do they have over Mitch to encourage him to oppose Trump getting back into office as president?

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