Mitch McConnell just stunned reporters into silence with this terrifying warning about Kamala Harris

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell has a long history of stabbing conservatives in the back while cutting deals with the Democrats. But he’s finally stepping down from his position as Senate Republican leader in November. [...]


  1. You know things have to be pretty bad if RINO Mitch is sounding the alarm. THis ia an Obama planned attempted coup on the American people. This community organizer thinks we are stupid. Wake up America.

    • I read that are younger adults think communist leadership is ok in the US. Our schools, fake news, teachers that have no clue themselves. So they teach some one else’s version with no facts at all.
      That’s why they destroy landmarks, statues, memorials. They have no clue why they are there.
      Give a monkey the right to vote, it will be able to pick the color the trainer has taught them to pick. They won’t know why but they will pick.

    • He Has always known it. He’s Retiring because He can’t get along with Trump–Who surly would have won against Biden. At least He has the decency to do the tight thing before He leaves.

    • Power and Greed are destroying the Country. It won’t end until recreants are Indicted, Tried and convicted of Treason. No Public Official in My lifetime has ever stood by His/Her Oath of Office. As A veteran I can bet the ranch that any GI doing anything like Our Elected Officials, we would have faced a General Court Martial with Dire consequences.
      If Trump does win I hope he appoints a Constitutional Pit Bull in as our AG.

      • The head of the snake must be cut off. That head is George Soros who must be expelled from this nation along with his sons and dropped in one of the 4 nations that have warrants out for him. His wealth should be confisgated and put in the General fund to replace what he has destroyed.

    • Obama is not the only America hater. It started before him. Hillary and Obama are both power hungry. And the have both studied the work of the same hater of America. Saul Alinsky wrote “8 Steps to Overthrow a Nation”.
      Below are Saul Alinsky’s Eight Steps to Topple a Nation.
      1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
      2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
      3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
      4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to cre’ate a police state.
      5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
      6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
      7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
      8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
      This has been going on quietly since the 1960’s. Wake up America! Nikita Khrushchev warned us that we would be defeated from within.

    • I am wondering what will be the trigger that sets this nations citizens off to create the next 1776 revolution and expell every politician out of Washington DC and retake the nation by force if need be? There must be another way to stop this NWO or Deep State from destroying or nation, or freedom, and our rights. Its called the ballot box and it needs to be monitored heavily and guarded against the big cheat which is already in progress.

  2. I believe the democrats are really crazy communist in our public offices, creating more problems for our country then helping. Because all they want to do is control citizens an people who are against their stupid ideas.

    • I am old enough-and then some-to remember Khrushchev’s warning–“You will drop into our hand like a ripe apple”. No one listened. Look where we are now.

  3. I can only hope and pray that Mitch McConnell is prescient about these three points! Of course, if the Republicans take control of the Senate, you can be sure that the filibuster will as sure as shootin’ also be a thing of the past. Do you really believe that a Republican-controlled Senate would allow a Democratic minority to roadblock their proposed legislation by the use of the filibuster? Eliminating that would be #1 on the list of Republican priorities. It’s anti-democratic no matter which party controls the Senate.

  4. Mitch Mcconnell is the walking and talking billboard for everything that is wrong with the corrupt and self-serving political system we have allowed a bunch of double-talking snake oil salesmen to infiltrate and corrupt (for their own selfish needs/wants). Thanks to folks like mcconnell, what has become crystal clear now, is that this corruption is w/o question a partisan exercise.. and both sides have absolutely helped in getting get us to this precarious point…

    LGB/LGK/LGMitch/LGAnybody they run on their ticket…

  5. IF trump looses georgia it will be Trump’s fault for saying in a speech in Georgia Governor ”Kemp is not a good person– If he says to over 50% of Georgians that they voted for the wrong person then why should they vote for Trump. If Trump can not say a good word for Governor Kemp then he would be wise not to mention the Governor’s name.

  6. The same people who cheated the election giving it to a brain dead toad continue to put in Mitch the Bitch. He is not just a RINO he is CABAL – KAZARIAN MAFIA. His wife is a major CHINESE enemy of this country posing as an importer. Why the hell would the American people vote for a traitor like this??? Well the answer is, THEY WOULDN’T and DON’T. He, like many other politicians, are placed in there by Soros et al. Yes he needs to go!!!… I understand Gitmo is so full right now, they have to use FEMA bases to hold these people… I have a better idea! Let’s make little cuts all over their bodies and drop them into the water from a helicopter off the coast of South Africa where the Great Whites spawn!

  7. Mitch was fine with Obama and Biden destroying the country! Stoped impeachment action.


    • I agree he lives with the enemy he makes millions working for his wife’s family a traitor and sold his sole a long time ago who would want him the ugly crow his wife only married to him to get control big all of USA shameful he should hurry and leave 👺

  8. Too little, too late Mitch! You should have been backing the republicans you were supposed to represent! Instead, you let screwmer run roughshod over the republicans, because it benefitted YOU! Now you want to sound the alarm? Where were you when we needed you? On your knees in front of screwmer? You should have been replaced long ago with a REAL patriot! I say good riddance to you! Hopefully the republicans will replace you with a good, strong leader who will fight to stop the demonrat agenda!

  9. Old Mitch is a sore spot on Ky. He needs shoved out on his ass the old turn coat. We need congress cleaned out all Rino’s gone and all dirty power hungrey democrats gone. Then maybe we can get our country back– it’s being destroyed to the point of no return. I have been around 76 years and never in my life would i have believe our country could fall this bad in almost four years. People better wake up and check facts before voting democrat it don’t take a genius to see how Biden/Harris destroyed our country hell they even destroyed our justice system to help only democrats. And they let in 12 million illegals with more coming in every day. I don’t know about the rest of you people but i will never vote democrat again not even for shit house cleaner. HARRIS is out their now lieing out of both sides of her mouth and that awful thing she picked as a running mate , lied about his military service taken away from the good service men and women them two needs put in a pigpen and kept there. STOP THE DESTROYING MADNESS VOTE FOR TRUMP

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