Nancy Pelosi has some explaining to do after this suspicious financial report surfaced

Nancy Pelosi played with fire. Pelosi may have just got burnt. And Nancy Pelosi has some explaining to do after this suspicious financial report surfaced. Due to their oversight powers, members of Congress are privy [...]


  1. Members in Any office of the Government knows what’s going to happen before it does. I feel that No member or family member should be allowed to own any stocks. Members in the Government get paid a handsome amount of money.. if it’s not enough then Quit!!
    People in the Government don’t know how or can not even imagine how to live on a Social Security check of $1500.00 per month. They pay that for a dining nite out.. Just Wrong!!!

    • I live on a Social Security check of less than $1500.00 per month. By the time I pay rent and utilities (with all their add-on use taxes) there is nothing left! From age 15 thru age 77 when I retired, I worked and paid taxes. I always had a job and was always self-sufficient, but now, at 90, I can no longer work so I am on food stamps!! But I have no bills to pay (I don’t believe in credit cards). So, I do without. This is my American reality.

    • When these people run for office it is to be “non payment” really. It was for awhile to a group in the senate and house, on the Left, that that getting paid was needed to be done. If they would read their history, the FOUNDERS did not get a pay check, like they do today. The ones “today” feather their beds by “watching the market” and selling or buying stock. This should never be done.

    • The only way that any Congressional Member should be able to have stocks is if its in a Blind Trust where they have absolutely no control over it.

  2. I do not believe for a millisecond that she doesn’t own any stocks … that it is all in her husbands name . She had inside information that she used to their benefit. Martha Stewart did the same thing and went to prison for it . Why ? Because most of the politicians are crooked and should not be in office for a lifetime . There should be term limits like the president does 2 terms and that’s it . They cannot continue to be in for life .

    • She, Pelosi, even admitted they own stock and YES, her husband purchases stock (insider trading) while she is in Congress and SAID (paraphrasing) there is no law against it. Her family has become very WEALTHY since she has been in Congress. She is the POSTER CHILD for the CORRUPTION in Congress. Martha Stewart went to jail for insider information on stock purchases and the gains she made were no why hear those of PELOSI’s family.

    • So so agree
      Why are these people allowed to make decisions for everyone when they are 100 Y O
      Term Limits
      Stop lining their pockets with wasteful spending

    • I agree all government jobs should have a term limit. And it can be done the same way the presidents term were made. Presidential executive order.

    • California is a community property state. So, unless there’s a prenuptial agreement, his is half hers and vice versa. Of course even if they say immediate family members can’t buy stocks either, they’ll figure a way around it and it doesn’t stop them from helping others for favors.

    • I agree with you 100%!! Nancy Pelosi has overstayed her welcome for years. She needs to be brought before a group of her peers and then made to loose her job!

  3. I have been warning people for a long time that she is doing insider trading which Martha Stewart went to prison for. Lock her up. She and her hubby are in kahoots.

  4. from the time a person files paperwork to run for office until 2 years after leaving office they nor any family member should be allowed to buy or sell stocks! nor should any of their staff buy or sell stocks. this ban should also include commodities. how do so many politicians get to be so wealthy in such a short time? look at obummer and also bidum. i also do not think they should be forced to sell stocks and commodities they owned prior to running for office or being hired as staff

    • Look at how even AOC’s wealth has skyrocketed. She was flat broke when she entered office and now has multi millions of dollars in her bank accounts. How leagally?

        • Heard she a millionaire! But not sure! She still claim she was rob as governor of Georgia! But if you look at all these blacks women in MAYOR, GOVERNOR, CONGRESS SEAT you wonder how they got RICH Fast! Even there white women and men who got wealthy fast! Personally believe they stolen the federal reserve fund for their district

      • And Eric Swalwel! He was supposed to got kick out of the SENATE! But Pelosi refused to removed him! Had only 5k dollars in his bank account. But three months later he a MILLIONAIRE!

    • Bidum didn’t make his money from stocks. His was made 100% by corruption, political favors and Hunters 10% kickbacks.

  5. Insider Trading is illegal. Members of congress and others who indulge should go to jail, just like Martha Stewart. Do we have enough jail cells?

    • Problem is they’d have to investigate to find out. How many politicians are investigated for insider trading. I don’t believe Piglosi has ever been investigated for anything not even her illegal use of military transport to different locations here and around the world.

  6. She’d better “lawyer-up”, real good!
    Should be a life-long prison sentence in her future.
    Thinking she’ll have lots of company….all her “corrupt
    cohorts will be her cellmates”.

    • When these old vultures die after picking the American peoples bones dry, will and only then will change occur! Vote term limits and put a stop to them getting rich from inside knowledge! Make America #1!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. Nancy and her husband must be indied for Stock reward being they are both on the insided Understanding what’s happening with stock and gaining fund ellegally as in Congress and tell her husband what stock he should purchase

  8. Pelosi’s husband should be arrested immediately and she needs to be kicked out of office. Martha Stewart got put in jail for less than this. It’s time the Democraps got charged with what everyone else does.

  9. Po-Loser is one of the dirtiest and lowest when it comes to her hoover paws dipping into what ever she can steal. Stock trading needs to be illegal for anyone in gov office. She is the biggest inside trader in this country and Martha went to prison, this old lush needs to as well.

  10. Representatives in Congress should not be compromised and should be objective. Serving the constituents should be the prime goal. I also believe in term limits and a retirement age. I believe that Health Care should be the same as everyone else in the country. Everyone should be on the same page.

  11. Place one’s assets in a hedge fund while in office—including one’s spouse—without problem. Hedge funds return a higher rate of interest than most investments.

    I do not believe it is a coincidence that Paul Pelosi is outperforming all of the Hedge funds by such a dramatic margin without insider information. Perhaps both he and Nancy are willing to sit for a Polygraph administered by a CIA polygraph professional where they will attest that neither has willfully shared, received, or used any insider information that has profited them in any way! Failure to agree will signify guilt!

  12. It is only obvious that nanny goat tells her husband about what sticks to buy. He is no genius! They made their millions by insider trading. If Martha Stewart went to prison for “ supposed” insider trading, shouldn’t the piglosi’s? Fair is fair, as nanny says,” no one is above the law”, except demonrats. They think they are!

  13. I think they should be able to hold onto stocks and bonds they already have but should not be able to participate in in trading while in office.

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