Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got one harsh truth about America that left them crushed
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s life has worked out like they planned. They’re trying to figure out how big a hole they’re in. And Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got one harsh truth about America [...]
No, William and Kate are much better off without Megan’s drama. She got her dream to marry a Prince but she turned him into a cold frog. No compassion or empathy for his dying Father the KING, or the Future Queen Kate during her fight with Cancer… and all they can do is whine that Americans aren’t happy to have them here, They can always go to Africa so Megan can truly find her heritage. She has brought scourge to the Monarchy of England. She is no good and definitely not a good actress.
Privileged…NOPE….Outcast….Yes….Unsensitive….Yes…..Doomed for failure….Yes
GO HOME…..Absolutely.
Will you be missed….No need to answer LOL
I agree. They, Harry and Megan, have shown they are TOXIC and will do anything to try to make themselves relevant, which the are NOT! I cannot imagine any country will welcome them as they are CON-ARTISTS!
Very , very well said . A couple of low life grifters with ZERO talent between them .
They are both spoiled brats that think they are entitled. They both need to go out and get real jobs and common folk. Oh, they also need to find a more reasonable place to live where they can live on $100,000 or so per year. GO GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY KIDS ! ! !
we don’t want him back
Why would we want them here?! Go home Harry and if your wife doesn’t want to play house with you, divorce her!!
They both managed to alienate everyone. Harry had it made as a member of the British Royal Family but threw that away for a life with Meghan. It just went downhill from there. Meghan hitched her wagon to his falling star and went down with him.
Do they have enough money left to support their lifestyle? They better, they’ll never get more!
Markle chased the playboy prince and got him. She got her title but should’ve kept her degrading mouth shut and remain a part of the Royal Family!! His millions will run out soon when it cost a million a month for the royal expenses. Maybe she should return to a job acting in soap operas. Might help the budget! Since Harry can no longer get a Visa to stay in America!
Ingrid Seward is correct. I live in the U.S. and people care nothing about them. Most do not follow them. It was over for them when people found out Harry had not even bothered to meet Meghan’s father. Most interpreted that to mean Mr. Markle’s social status wasn’t high enough for a Prince. Meghan seems to court only celebrities and rich people and people notice that. Trust me, that struck a chord. Another misstep: Meghan refused to go to her father and offer help when he
was ill. But having said all that, the bigger problem for them started when they disrespected the Queen and Prince Philip. The majority of Americans know who the Queen is. Meghan keeps going on about love, joy and whatever. I personally find it insulting and I think people are weary of her lectures on how to live, when clearly she does not hold the same standards as the average person. She has no idea how she is coming across.
Quite frankly, I don’t think anybody wants them. How’d that old saying go-They’ve screwed the pooch!
I truly hope that KC111 will either give up the ghost of H. Or die. He’s destroying the MONARCHY. He’s made a mess of it. With the MISTRESS HE CAN’T OR WON’T CONTROL. And with him MOPPOING AFTER H. KC111 HAS DESTROYED EVERYTHING HIS MOTHER HAD BUILT HER ENTIRE LIFE. Oh, she made some mistakes in her life. But that doesn’t give KC111 the right to tear all down in just a few yrs.
She was the worst thing that happened to him. She is a horrible person who does nothing but take. She destroyed his family and reputation for her own self serving actions. She’ll end up dumping him a broken man. His family will never be the same. She’s a horrible person.
You have that right. He was such a good Prince before she came into his life. He deserves better!!!
Harry needs to divorce her and get full custody of the kids and move back to England and beg for forgiveness, without any of his prince status
Royal Harry isn’t going to go to work… any more than a Welfare Rat would…
Tout les enfants de ce Monde sont Prince et Princesse.
Translation: “All children of the world are Princes and Princesses”.
No they aren’t… there’s no such thing…
Harry and Meghan are just 100% grifters. We don’t want them here in the US. Either of them. Just go away already!
I was under the distinct impression that we got rid of the British royal family in 1781 after Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown.