Ron Paul offered this jaw dropping list of New Year’s resolutions
Americans turned the page on 2024. 2025 is upon us. And Ron Paul offered this jaw dropping list of New Year’s resolutions. Ron Paul’s New Year’s resolutions for Washington When in Congress, Ron Paul was [...]
See, Dr. Ron Paul has experience with Alabama’s “Mises Institute.” This is a body of knowledge studying and investigating operational and non-operational government edits benefitting a country’s “citizenry.” Then there’s “John Locke’s “Invisible Hand” treatise explaining the Public vs. Private sentor duties and responsibilities (all detailed by Our Founding Fathers in our !776 [and later] US Constitution). Ever so slowly, the 45 bullet points read into US Constitutional Record on Jan. 1969 by arch communist Gus Hall HAVE ALMOST ALL BEEN IMPLEMENTED…Dr. Ron Paul IS MERELY ANNOUNCING “LAWFARE” BY BOTH US CONGRESS AND SENATE CHAMBERS, THWARTING EVERYTHING US CONSITUTION…”THEY ALL SWORE TO UPHOLD AND OBEY!!!” And don’t! Need proof??? Bypassing all legislation AROUND the Senate Rules Committee DIRECTLY to the printers. BOOM! RULING BY FIAT!!! That’s exactly like “old time “Colonial Maritime Courts.” GEEEZ! Talk about “reverse engineering!!!” 2024 and beyound is proof positive We The People…are true COLONIALS!!!! Amen Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. GO MAGA. RULE OF LAW…PERIOD! ABA, do your joooob!
I second Messup’s comment. President Trump needs to put a stop to the swamp. This is the time to implement the United States of America Constitution ! We the people! NOT we the swamp politicians. President Trump take them down. We the people are counting on you and your team to give us back our country.
EXACTLY!!!! I could NOT agree more with Mr. Paul.
Paul is right. But good luck with that because our Congress is still infested with greedy politicians whose sole interest is in themselves and not the best interests of the nation itself.
Why any US political leader would believe that wide open borders and unchecked “immigration” is good for the nation is beyond me! But they do and they’re illegally forcing US to pay for it! And seriously, beyond a few notables, who has done anything to stop that in the past 17 years?
I’ll believe our “leaders” are serious about stopping this mass INVASION when I see it happening!