Fani Willis begged the Supreme Court to do her this giant favor

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is back in court. Her witch hunt is sputtering against Donald Trump. And Fani Willis begged the Supreme Court to do her this giant favor. Fani Willis files brief [...]


  1. These ‘prosecutors’ and I use that term loosely, are finding out that their cases are not worth the paper they’re printed on. The NY case will go the same route as the one in Florida, because they’re not based on fat but based on ‘feelings’ and Feelings do not have a legal standing.

  2. All of these over zealous attorneys should be indicted on charges of election interference, as a few of them have made clear, long before actually pulling together a case, that the end game was to get Trump in jail and off the ballot. I am so sick of the Democrat corruption at all levels of government.

  3. I think all these fake indictments needs to be dropped they only bought them to get Trump off the 2024 ballot cuz Joe Biden is a coward now Harris is the coward they don’t want to Trump back in office because he had a great economy under his watch no new Wars we were energy independent first time in 75 years we as citizens have money in the bank now we don’t we had no inflation now we do now we have higher prices from gas to utilities to mortgage and rent think of what we have now all they care about is their self and spreading misinformation they sensor the Republicans and conservatives on this platforms because they don’t want their Democrat supporters to know the truth that’s why they are censoring us so they can spread they’re misinformation they want their voters to think that it is Republicans and conservances who is spreading fake information when in fact it is the Democrat Party. But Nancy Pelosi is a liar I will take it to my grave always believing that she and the FBI plan and organized January 6th they turned down Trump’s offer of $10,000 National Guards or military soldiers and they flat out said no so if anybody is responsible for January 6th it is that idiots low life coward Nancy Pelosi and she in the FBI both need to be held accountable for one person’s murder that day they have both got blood on their hands I hope they go to hell that would be Justice

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