Kamala Harris got humiliated on live TV when a host made this gesture

Kamala Harris is starting to see her campaign’s momentum stall out. The honeymoon looks like it’s over. And Kamala Harris got humiliated on live TV when a host made this gesture. CNBC hosts mock Kamala [...]


    • You are so RIGHT!
      BUT, MOST DemocRats don’t talk as Harris does. She is 100% WORTHLESS AS VP & DID CRAP for the American People! But she showed her real colors by backing for illegals to enter — AND SHE WAS IN CHARGE OF IT. Vote out ALL DemocRats, and lets make America Great Again by voting out EVERY Democratic Leader! Americans aren’t dumb & know Biden & Harris have done NOTHING for the American Taxpayers, except make things higher in price & let MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS IN AMERICA. That’s why Democrats plan to have illegals vote for DemocRats ONLY, so they can stay in office. They have done nothing beneficial for Americans since they took office, but they have jumped for illegals.

      • with all of the illegals the democrats have let come into our country have done nothing but cost all of our hard working people trying to keep illegal warm and feed at our cost in every which way you can you can look. other countries are looking to take our country over, BIDEN would do nothing, HARRIS is no more than a CAMEL TOE

  1. Amendment 16 does not refer to taxes other than income taxes. The tax plan that Kamala Harris is talking about seems to violate Amendment 16, but I think it is not a property tax plan. Income taxes must be levied against actual income, not potential income to be legal.

  2. democrats are destroying America for china and iran and russia, therefore, any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America.

  3. Comrade Kamala is a communist and we should call her as such. Then let her defend that she is not. Her policies and past performance shows that she is. Let’s see if she keeps quiet about that. If you don’t like using the word communits, Marxist will do.

  4. So, if that ridiculous idea was implemented, would you be refunded money if your stock decreased in value? I think not. The taxpayers’ money flows in only one direction…into the government coffers.

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