Kamala Harris’ October surprise imploded because of what this top general revealed

With less than two weeks left to go in the election, it’s desperation time. Election forecasters like Nate Silver list Trump as the favorite and Kamala Harris knows time is running out. But now Kamala [...]


  1. That b***h !!!! ….…Don’t know if you noticed how her voice was trembling (No time for rehearsal) she read all those lies and total BS. Unity, that’s what KamaLIER and her party of commie demons claim they want for this country – (furthest thing from the truth). Remember you have to consider the source: this is coming from a former bitter ass employee of president Trump, who’s promoting his new book and she’s promoting this garbage like it’s factual or should I say reading someone else’s writing considering she has NO BRAIN. This b***h VP shortly after arriving at the White House – 92% of her staff, she either fired or they got the hell out of there!!! That says a lot about who she is !!!! Wake up America – if you haven’t yet ******* VOTE TRUMP/VANCE 2024*******

    • Harris and Biden, the DOJ and the DOD have SHREDDED OUR CONSTITUTION! THE CORRUPT judges WILL NOT FOLLOW FEDERAL LAW and remove non-citizens from the voter rolls! Why do you think Harris pushed all those immigrants into our country except to beef up votes for Democrats.
      Lots of people do not like Trump as a person, but HE HAS THE BEST INTEREST FOR OUR COUNTRY IN HIS HEART and will lead us out of the quagmire that the Democrats have gotten us into. Harris is just the mouth-piece (and a bad one at that) for the DEEP STATE (led by Obama) to take over as the REAL DICTATORS TO RULE (not lead) this country for the unforeseeable decades!
      What I just don’t understand is that there are so many people that just DONT GET IT! They are willing to follow a person that can’t put two sentences together and make any sense – just like sheep going to slaughter!
      How can they think that the last four years were better than the four years previous under Trump! EVERYTHING WAS BETTER !
      AND THE FACT THAT THE DOD IS NOW ALLOWED TO USE PHYSICAL FORCE ON THEIR OWN CITIZENS IS BEYOND THE PALE! DOESN’T ANYONE REMEMBER KENT STATE?! How can this administration even consider this much less approve of this diabolical act!?

  2. She can lie all she wants but Trump is leaving her in the dust! Trump is out in all the swing states looks like a landslide to. Go MAGA Go Trump!

  3. ou can make book by who trashes Trump. If they lie and trash Trump, you can bet they are a DEEP STATE swamp creature who wants nothing else more than to keep their snout buried deep into the trough of taxpayer dollars. They know the gravy train is going to shut down as Trump shuts extraneous departments of the government.

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