Peter Doocy uncovered a humiliating fact about Joe Biden his handlers don’t want you to know

Joe Biden’s final days in office are a race against time to expose the scandals, lies, and impeachable offenses that marred Biden’s time in office. Biden is a diminished figure that history will treat harshly. [...]


  1. I think Jill and others that let him run and maybe even set it up, should be charged with elder abuse.

    • 100% in agreement. If he had left as VP he would have preserved what dignity he had. After this 4 years, the way he used DOJ, FBI, IRS, and the US Military is so shameful that it should put him at the bottom of most liked POTUS’s not to mention all the illegal or unethical things he did from feeling up childen to pardoning his criminal son.

    • I completely agree with you, Pauline W. Smith. Add to that the party that knew his condition risked our country’s stability and longevity. They should be put in prison for treason.

  2. Joe Biden, completely unaware of his condition was used by his family to generate money (salary, pension, and lucrative kickbacks with nor consideration of the possible detriment to the nation or the citizens. SHAMEFUL! DISGRACEFUL!

  3. Joe Biden. Who said crime dose not pay? Unbelievable! And they got away with millions. Are we stupid or what.

  4. With all the millions of dollars in kickbacks Ukraine has passed to Biden and other Democrats in Congress, they should all be arrested for corruption.

    • Joe Biden was the WORST “So Called President in History!” He was inept and deceitful and compromised by China! GOOD RIDDANCE!!!

  5. There is so much Biden did in the last four years that was a disaster but the entire time he was in the Senate he was incompetent. He is a racist and a plagiarist. He lied about his achievements. Graduated at the bottom of his class, not the top as he says. He is and always was a pathetic little man.

  6. After reading all of the above comments, all I can say if “I agree with all of the above plus thank God that we, the taxpayers and citizens lived to fight another day”

  7. obama put the puppet regime in power and democrats are to blame for what they have done to America, rejoice that the year of Jubilee has come this 2025 and we are rid of the stench of the biden crime family!
    remember that any vote for any democrat for any office is a vote to destroy America. period!

  8. Joe Biden was never the President. Joback Obidma WAS. This was Obama’s THIRD ILLEGAL INELIGIBLE TERM OF THE PRESIDENCY and it was enabled by the quiet compliance of the US Government and the so-called political opposition.

    Obama dictated, Biden obeyed.

    Our system of Constitutional government is utterly corrupt now and our leaders KNOW THAT.


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