Tim Walz blew a gasket when the media exposed this awful lie he told

Tim Walz has a habit of stretching the truth when talking to voters about his life history. He already created a headache for Kamala Harris by lying about his military service. And Tim Walz blew [...]


  1. What irritates me the most is that you commentators always sugar-coat the tales told by the democrats. You say that they “mis-spoke” or “stretched” the truth. The real truth is that they LIED when they spoke. They did NOT “mis-speak”!

    • Voters need to remember that if he becomes Vice President, he will be a heartbeat away from becoming President if the President dies in office.

    • WALZ us a HABITUAL liar, he does not answer the questions, he talks around them , I as Veteran and I did not serve in combat but I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT NO SILDIER LIES ABOUTB FIGHTING IN A WAR AND IT WAS NO MUSTAKE, he has disrespected every soldier who ever fought for this country, In my opinion As a 10-year US ARMY VETERAN WALZ ids SCUM! No veteran should ever support this lying disrespectful man for anything !This has nothing to do with his 24 years in the guard, it’s all about integrity and honesty as a Soldier. He has proven he will lie for personal and finical gain!

      • During the Vietnam War if the actualk number of troops in theater was 1,000,000 there are now 3 times that amount who claim to be Vietnam War Veterans. Many of whom were never even in the military. Like you said no “real” troop would ever make a false claim like that. There was a line I heard the other day that was hilarious. Two guys talking and the 1st guy says “So what kinds of medals has he got?” The 2nd guy says “Borrowed”.

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